Jake Adriano
Architectural Products

Façade Specialties

Visit the live site: FaçadeSpecialtiesInc.com

Skills and deliverables

Web Design • User Interface (UI) Design • User Experience (UX) Design • Customer Experience (CX) Design • Web Development • WordPress • Copywriting • Website Copywriting • Campaign Copywriting • Sales Copy • Ad Copy • Email Marketing • Klaviyo • Digital Strategy • Marketing • Video Production • Video Editing • Lead Generation


Façade Specialties is an aluminum architectural products retailer. They had a website that was difficult to navigate, was underperforming on their sales goals, wasn’t properly educating potential clients, and wasn’t serving as a complete resource for ongoing clients throughout the entire specification, purchasing, and installation sales lifecycle.

We began by recording a video for each main product system and for components within the top selling systems. After editing and uploading to the company’s YouTube channel, they were ready for placement.

Next came the website design. It was crucial that the site be a one-stop shop for all product-related inquiries. A potential client and current client alike should be able to easily access product measurements, component information, info sheets & other technical data sheets, color options, and more. Moreover, the site needed to be easy to use, and the information architecture needed to be such that a first-time visitor had a grasp on what systems were available, for what applications, and how they could be used together to create stunning architectural designs. It was important that the relation of components to systems as well as the systems to each other made complete sense within a few clicks.

A new server was spun up and work began on a staging version of the site. As video editing completed, each video was placed, and the pages took shape around the system, component, technical, video, and document content.

A tight deadline loomed as the sales team pushed to have the site completed so they could begin in earnest with their sales pipeline, the site being a huge piece of that pipeline. We hit the deadline, pushing the staging to live overnight, and sending our official site launch announcement email campaign the next morning. Revisions were made in the coming weeks as feedback streamed in from clients.

Lastly, a new digital marketing plan was needed to go after new and different audiences, to meet them where they’re at, educate them, and drive them to the site for further info and a form fill. We researched and narrowed our focus down to five main audiences, then prospected, developing ads and email campaigns to speak directly to their challenges and pain points.

Project goals

  • Videos showing each system, product, and component
  • New website built to be the ultimate resource for all product info, color selection, technical, and installation queries
  • Digital marketing plan to educate and generate more leads for the sales pipeline

Contribution to project

  • Video production for all systems and system components
  • Video bumper motion graphics design
  • Set up new hosting server
  • Designed & developed new site
  • Copywriting for entire site
  • Uploaded and linked all technical resources
  • New forms for requesting a quote (BOFU), requesting samples (MOFU), and general inquiries (TOFU)
  • Site optimization including custom Nginx server configuration to serve static pages for speed boost
  • Facebook/Instagram ads for awareness and lead generation
  • Email list building
  • Klaviyo email campaigns for lead generation

Project results

  • Increase in site speed
  • Increases to Engagement Rate (+60%), Sessions per User (+31%), and Pages per Session (+305%) while decreasing Bounce Rate by 68%
  • Improved user experience, including vastly improved ability of visitors to self-serve product information
  • 363% increase in email list size
  • Massive 9,100% increase in leads from site
  • Worked in support of $1.3M in topline revenue
  • A very happy client


Here’s what the Director of Sales and Business Development for Façade Specialties had to say:

“I've had the opportunity to work with Jake directly on a couple different projects and we've had very positive experiences. Jake's drive to get the job done and help us succeed was his greatest asset. If you're looking for someone who has great insights into e-commerce and getting your site designed, Jake is the one to call.” – Bruce McReynolds

© 2023 by Jake Adriano.